Survey on climate services from user and provider perspectives
This survey aims to assess the present state of the climate services market, identify quality criteria, potential gaps and opportunities for standard procedures to improve climate services.
The demand and use of climate information for adaptation to climate change is rapidly increasing. This results in a growing number of different kinds of information services and products, so-called Climate Services (CS). CS use climate-related data, together with other relevant information, to develop customized products for climate adaptation and transformation.
Within we aim to build and strengthen the climate services community by, amongst others, co-developing improved quality measures and standards for climate services.
We have conducted an online survey to learn more about experiences and demands of providers and users of climate services with special emphasis on quality measures , and we would cordially invite you to share your experiences under:
We would greatly appreciate if you could spend about 10-15 minutes of your time and help to improve the quality of climate services.
Note that the survey is anonymous, and the results will only be used in the framework of the Climateurope2 project.
Currently, the survey is available in English, Spanish, French, Italian and German.
In addition, it would be very helpful if you could share this invitation in particular with users of climate services.
We would appreciate your participation before 31 May 2024!